

中文知识站 人气:2.61W


Do you believe in god?”你相信上帝吗 "Yes."相信 "How can you?"你怎么能相信上帝呢 "I can't believe in people. I have to believe in something, or I'd fall. Fall down through the cracks, never stop falling. 因为我无法相信人类。但我必须得相信一样东西,不然我会堕落,坠入深渊.......万劫不复


We don't live alone upon this earth. We are responsible for each earth. And if mankind will not learn that lesson, then the time will come soon, when he will be taught it in fire and blood and anguish. Goodnight.

你知道最可怕的是什么吗? 我会重蹈覆辙。

听我说你们所有人我不需要再了解什么了 你也是你们都是她自杀的帮凶 记住不要忘了 已经死了你们再也不会伤害她了 同样你也不可能帮她什么 你甚至连说对不起的机会都没有 世界上还有成千上万的Eva Smiths and John Smiths这样的人离开了我们 带着他们的生命,希望,和恐惧 带着他们与他人相关的一切悲欢离合 带着我们的看法言辞所作所为 我们并非独自活在世上 我们应该相互负责 要是一个人不懂得这个道理 那他迟早会懂 当他受到火与鲜血以及伤痛的洗礼 晚安


There are millions and millions of Eva Smiths and John Smiths still left with us, with their lives and hopes and fears, their suffering and chance of happiness all inter winded with our lives, and what we think, and say, and do.

TAG标签:#罪恶 #经典语录 #