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It’s not the goodbye that hurts.but the flashbacks that follow.My mother suffered with Alzheimer’s disease(老年痴呆症)during her last fifteen years.Until then she had been a bright, 41  woman deeply interested and involved in the world around her.I would go home to visit her in Virginia and she would look at me in a(an) 42  way and ask,”Who are you?”I would answer,”I'm your son.“Where do you live?”She would ask.”In California,”I would tell her.”Isn’t that interesting,”she would say,”I have a son in California.”My name had 43 my mother completely.

She seemed  44 forgetful and confused at the beginning of the disease,but later on she would 45 periods of sharp anxiety.She would 46 through the house she had lived in most of her life,crying uneasily that she wanted to go home,or she would leave home and wander away if she was not 47 for a short time.

Hoping to please her and put her mind 48 ,I would take her for a drive,Visiting sites where she had lived as a 49 .In the yard of the hillside house in Shipman I sat in the car and 50 ,the view of the old oaks and long green lawn.I could 51 my mother there as a little girl Playing with the pet lamb she had been so fond of.I looked to her for some 52,but She just shook her head and said,“I want to go home.”   

Over the years I have decided that what my mother was calling home was not a 53,but a    time.I suspect it was a time when she was much 54,when her children were still underfoot,when her husband was still energetic and considerate.

Watching my mother’s suffering set me to 55 what I would have in mind if someday I could n’t find 56 and wanted to go there.In this family we tend to be long lived and we grow fuzzy(模糊的)minded as the years go by.At eighty I have already noticed some 57 symptoms.My doctor says the forgetfulness is only 58 and that it comes with age.Still the 59 of Alzheimer is haunting(萦绕)in my mind.Someday if and when I become even cloudier minded than I am now, unable to drive and tell you where“home”is,my dear son,I expect I will a ask you to take me home.I know you Will do your best to find the place I need to be.I leave these notes for your 60.

41.A.caring         B.cheerful       C.hopeful          D.considerate

42.A.excited        B.frightened          C.puzzled          D.amazed

43.A.forgotten    B.reminded    C.escaped               D.slid

44.A.greatly        B.hardly          C.totally            D.simply

45.A.go through    B.break trough     C.1ook through       D.put through

46.A.hunt            B.pace            C.search        D.1ook

47.A.settled        B.attended    C.concerned            D.inspired

48.A.in place       B.under control  C.in order              D.at ease

49.A.1ady                  B.student        C.child              D.mother

50.A.inspected           B.admired       C.appreciated   D.respected

51.A.tell              B.picture         C.suspect         D.doubt

52.A.response           B.smile                  C.reasons         D.answers

53.A.name                 B.dream         C.symbol          D.place

54.A.prettier        B.younger      C.happier         D.healthier

55.A.feeling        B.wondering          C.doubting               D.believing

56.A.memory      B.passion       C.home             D.way

57.A.deadly        B.alarming      C.poisonous     D.allergic

58.A.natural        B.special        C.rare                      D.unique

59.A.intention    B.fear             C.expectation   D.hate

60.A.appreciation  B.admiration    C.guidance             D.assistance




