当前位置:中文知识站>造句>“be in danger”写句子 用be in danger造句大全

“be in danger”写句子 用be in danger造句大全

中文知识站 人气:3.12W

What causes cycads to be in danger?

be in danger造句

Run along or your life will be in danger!

The cycad lovers cause cycads to be in danger.

Like gastric ulcer, Changhuiyang would be in danger.

Without emergency assistance, Tuvalu would be in danger.

There is speculation in early reports on the ruling that other sites may be in danger.

And Bush may be in danger of losing control over climate action domestically.

Student will be in danger of getting expelled from school if he breaks school rules.

I already knew subconsciously that I would not be in danger.

Looking at the whole situation, the water level in the near future will be in danger of falling.

If the owner fails to pay the mortgage on time, he will be in danger of foreclosure.

At the same time, he fears that his life may be in danger if the downpours continue.

And you can see from this map, as well as I can, who will be in danger of these missiles.

Only at Chelsea could the manager win a domestic Double and be in danger of losing his job in the same year.

Until that happens, though, satellites traversing the inner belt would be in danger of having their innards zapped by stray, high-energy electrons.

For a club like Portsmouth to be in danger of disappearing, it is part of the history of the game that goes.

You initiated it, and you can't give it up halfway. If you lose your mind, all of us will be in danger.

A papaya dropped into the lake from a tree, A rabbit who lived near the tree heard it, "I must run away, or I'll be in danger."

Every unjust decision is a reproach to the law or the judge who administers it, if the law should be in danger of doing injustice, then equity should be called in to remedy it.

I can't help it. I'm saying it's almost the end of the year and we'll be back in a month. You don't want to be in danger all the way.

To make the right choice rationally, you must never jump into the water to catch the moon, which may be in danger of losing your life in the Yellow Spring.

Don't tell Liss to come, quickly ordered the waiter to pardon Mr. Han, no matter what charges he was accused of, or he would have a long dream, I'm afraid Mr. Han will be in danger.

Over the past few days, she did not eat or drink, and was anxious to think, so that her soul would shell and her life would be in danger.

Qin Luo was ordered to be in danger. He did not understand the language there and had no connections there. He could not do anything about the task. He felt helpless because he had no place to start.

Remedios the Beauty thought that he was suffering from the fear that the tiles would break and she bathed herself more quickly than usual so that the man would not be in danger.

To follow the simple will not be tired, adhering to tolerance will not be gas, learn to forget not to worry, know that fear will not be in danger, willing to be weak to not hurt, to maintain low profile will not lose.

We are well aware that if China is ruled by the Communist Party, the state can never be independent, it is more difficult for individuals to have freedom, the people's economic life has no hope of development, and the national history and culture will be in danger of extinction.

If you don't know, you will rape, if you rape, you will go to the sages. If you go to the sages, you will not lift the country. If you don't lift the country, you will die. If you do, you will be in danger.

"My dear Friend, IF you are not so compassionate as to dine to-day with Louisa and me, we shall be in danger of hating each other for the rest ofour lives, for a whole day's te^te-a`-te^te between two women can never end without a quarrel.

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