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“ostentatious”写句子 用ostentatious造句大全

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He is lavish and ostentatious.


Given to ostentatious display; showy.

The bounder's ostentatious life showed his inanition.

The bounder's ostentatious life showed his shallowness.

The bounder's ostentatious life showed his inanition.

Their daughter was ostentatious on her wedding reception.

Mr. Collins is a conceited, fond and ostentatious fool.

This year, those ostentatious displays will take a back seat to social responsibility.

The kiss that I left for you is my ostentatious display.

Which is to say that that ostentatious flag-raising ritual was not entirely useless.

A group of men and women wear ostentatious, rocking in the neon of world.

Their elaborate designs and hues are deliberately ostentatious to ward off potential predators, a tactic called aposematic coloration.

The night nurse made her way down through what was technically her employer's house, an ugly, ostentatious one .

It is no surprise that the ostentatious happiness from material is doomed to decay as quickly as the material itself.

At first, like the canteen, or ostentatious, but then saw to the canteen to eat fewer and fewer people, that arrogant boss of the beginning flustered.

It's not something I would wear - too ostentatious - and I'm sure granddad, if he were here, would be happy to know it was going toward a good cause.

Equipped with ostentatious crust and well-knit endoplasm, these literature style had turned into the main character of Wang Bo 'poesy and writing.

This article will spell out how to find, learn, and use, ostentatious words so other people will kick up their estimates of the level of your intelligence.

In a business culture that imposes the oppressive rule of mandatory replies, that kind ostentatious declaration may seem sacrilegious, rude or professionally suicidal.

The ostentatious location of the gathering is enough to earn it accusations of elitism, and indeed it has faced much criticism for appearing to act only in the interests of the rich world.

In Shanghai, only the best crabs from Yangcheng Lake are eaten and gourmets and ostentatious gourmands alike willingly fork out more than 1,000 yuan (6) per kg each year for the authentic stuff.

The saying goes: the low head of rice, the barnyard grass of the head. The more mature, the more full the spike, the lower the head. Only those barren fruits with empty fruit would appear to be ostentatious.

Bi Qianhe, the great wise man, will be tolerant of great goodness. Only small minds can be aggressive. There are big meteorologists who do not talk about ostentation, talk about big ostentatious people, and expose small weather. Great talent is simple and simple. The great man, Qian Xunping, is a small man.

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